Visual Basic Source Code
Visual Basic Source Code.iso
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Text File
254 lines
MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "Stateposition"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Dim position(3, 3) As Integer ' 2-dimensional array that holds current state
Dim children() As New Stateposition ' dynamic array of children
Public step As Integer ' current depth of evaluation
Public closed As Boolean ' indicates that all children were expanded
Public parent As Stateposition ' pointer to a parent position
Public curvalue As Integer
Public xempty As Integer ' x and y coordinate of an empty
Public yempty As Integer ' tile in an array
Public onpath As Boolean ' indicator that this state is on solution path
Public numberchildren As Integer ' number of states possibly derived
Public last As Integer ' indicates the move that brought to
' this position
Public nextstate As New Stateposition
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
' initially state is not closed and not on solution path
' to be maximum
closed = False
numberchildren = 0
onpath = False
End Sub
' evaluation function. curvalue equals to sum of distances of all displaced tiles and
' current depth of evaluation (step). Returns true for final solution ,false otherwise
Public Function evaluate() As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Dim temp As Integer
curvalue = step ' initialize curvalue to step
For i = 0 To 2
For j = 0 To 2
temp = 3 * i + j ' value supposed to be in (i,j) in array
If (temp = position(i, j)) Then ' Tile is in place
ElseIf (Not position(i, j) = 0) Then ' evaluating displacement distance
curvalue = curvalue + Math.Abs(position(i, j) \ 3 - i) _
+ Math.Abs((position(i, j) Mod 3) - j)
End If
If curvalue = step Then ' means that this state is solution
Puzzle.finished = True
Puzzle.setpath Me
evaluate = True
evaluate = False
End If
End Function
' Sub that copies array of tiles from parent to child
Public Sub makearray(temp() As Integer)
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
For i = 0 To 2
For j = 0 To 2
position(i, j) = temp(i, j)
If (temp(i, j) = 0) Then
xempty = i ' Also copy the location of empty tile
yempty = j
End If
End Sub
' sub that expands all children of the state (breadth first) except of one that is identical
' to the states parent (to avoid repetitions).
Public Sub expandchildren()
If (xempty > 0 And Not (last = 3)) Then ' move empty tile up
numberchildren = 1
ReDim Preserve children(1) ' create child and add it to array
Set children(0) = New Stateposition
Set children(0).parent = Me
children(0).step = Me.step + 1
children(0).last = 1 ' last move of the child was up
children(0).makearray position
children(0).makemove 1 ' change state for a child
End If
If (yempty > 0 And Not (last = 4)) Then ' the same but go left
numberchildren = numberchildren + 1
ReDim Preserve children(numberchildren)
Set children(numberchildren - 1) = New Stateposition
Set children(numberchildren - 1).parent = Me
children(numberchildren - 1).step = Me.step + 1
children(numberchildren - 1).last = 2
children(numberchildren - 1).makearray position
children(numberchildren - 1).makemove 2
End If
If (xempty < 2 And Not (last = 1)) Then ' the same but go down
numberchildren = numberchildren + 1
ReDim Preserve children(numberchildren)
Set children(numberchildren - 1) = New Stateposition
Set children(numberchildren - 1).parent = Me
children(numberchildren - 1).step = Me.step + 1
children(numberchildren - 1).last = 3
children(numberchildren - 1).makearray position
children(numberchildren - 1).makemove 3
End If
If (yempty < 2 And Not (last = 2)) Then ' the same but go right
numberchildren = numberchildren + 1
ReDim Preserve children(numberchildren)
Set children(numberchildren - 1) = New Stateposition
Set children(numberchildren - 1).parent = Me
children(numberchildren - 1).step = Me.step + 1
children(numberchildren - 1).last = 4
children(numberchildren - 1).makearray position
children(numberchildren - 1).makemove 4
End If
End Sub
' sub that changes array of tiles of the current state according to the last move made (since
' we've copied array from parent we need to do it).
Public Sub makemove(flag As Integer)
Select Case flag
Case 1 ' moving up
position(xempty, yempty) = position(xempty - 1, yempty)
position(xempty - 1, yempty) = 0
xempty = xempty - 1
Case 2 ' moving left
position(xempty, yempty) = position(xempty, yempty - 1)
position(xempty, yempty - 1) = 0
yempty = yempty - 1
Case 3 ' moving down
position(xempty, yempty) = position(xempty + 1, yempty)
position(xempty + 1, yempty) = 0
xempty = xempty + 1
Case 4 ' moving right
position(xempty, yempty) = position(xempty, yempty + 1)
position(xempty, yempty + 1) = 0
yempty = yempty + 1
End Select
End Sub
' returns a child with correspondent index from array of children
Public Function getchild(index As Integer) As Stateposition
Set getchild = children(index)
End Function
' shows current state and used only for debugging
Public Sub show()
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim temp As String
For i = 0 To 2
For j = 0 To 2
temp = temp & " " & position(i, j)
temp = temp & vbCrLf
MsgBox temp
End Sub
' after finding solution path redraws state one by one from initial to the solution
Public Sub redrawstate()
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Dim index As Integer
Dim num As Integer
y = Puzzle.translatey(parent.xempty)
x = Puzzle.translatex(parent.yempty)
Select Case last
Case 1 ' empty was moved up so find button beneath
' and move it up
index = Puzzle.findbutton(x, y - 1320)
Case 2
index = Puzzle.findbutton(x - 1320, y)
Case 3
index = Puzzle.findbutton(x, y + 1320)
Case 4
index = Puzzle.findbutton(x + 1320, y)
End Select
For num = 7 To -1 Step -1
If (last = 1) Then
Puzzle.Command1(index).Move x, y - (num + 1) * 165
ElseIf (last = 2) Then
Puzzle.Command1(index).Move x - (num + 1) * 165, y
ElseIf (last = 3) Then
Puzzle.Command1(index).Move x, y + (num + 1) * 165
ElseIf (last = 4) Then
Puzzle.Command1(index).Move x + (num + 1) * 165, y
End If
Sleep 200
End Sub
Public Sub freechild() ' cleaning memory. sets references to
Dim i As Integer ' all children and parents to nothing
For i = 0 To numberchildren - 1
Set children(i) = Nothing
Set parent = Nothing
End Sub